What’s The BEST Piece Of Wedding Advice You’ve Ever Gotten or Heard?
Posted by Fun DMC on April 26th 2016

When looking for good wedding advice, brides and wedding planners end up doing a lot of research to make sure that their day goes off without a hitch. Besides, TheKnot, WeddingWire, the Fun DMC blog, and sites that cater exclusively to reception planning, there are also a lot of great forums available to gather up more good ideas for your binder. One of our favorites is EventEctive and their Wedding Forums. We recently came across a thread that asked about wedding advice (both for the wedding planning and for relationships in general) and we thought we would compile some of the best answers for you.
What’s The BEST Piece Of Wedding Advice You’ve Ever Gotten or Heard?
“My aunt and uncle on my father’s side and my husbands aunt and uncle on his father’s side live in different parts of the United States. They both said the same thing, “As long as you are in a good marriage and not abusive, then stay true to each other as the grass is never greener on the other side.”
“The best advise I ever got was never leave or go to bed angry. Always, always remember that you never know when a conversation with someone you love could be your last. If you would regret your words to them for the rest of your life if they were your last then make it right. Anytime my husband and I argue and I am ready to choke the life out of him I always picture something happening where I never got to see him again. When you look at it from that point of view it’s funny how silly and mundane arguments can seem and put back into perspective what’s really important. After 21 years my greatest joy in life may be finding new ways to irritate him to death but we must be getting something right. =)”
“Planning is the essential piece BUT the bottom line is ‘Will you be married the next day?'”
“For the wedding, hire a photographer! At the very least, have someone whose role it is to take photos. As for the marriage, after 38 fabulous years, it can’t be narrowed to one line of advice but the underlying approach should be to think as a couple and always be considerate. Don’t share bad moments with friends or family — keep them private. Make big decisions as a couple; decide together what “big decisions” are before they come up. Never, never embarrass your partner. Give at least one compliment a day. Do things for your spouse without expecting fanfare; it’s the build up of these things that make a positive impact.”
“Treat each day as if it’s your last, and really enjoy and appreciate one another, making each moment, each day of your life, memorable. That attitude will always reciprocated, and you will be appreciated much more than you know! And while you’re greeting all you guests, at your wedding, and having your photos taken, hire a caricature artist to entertain, while you relax and enjoy!”
“Be slow to speak and quick to think. Accept the other person…it’s who you fell in love with…do not try to change them. They were perfect, that’s why you picked them. Say exactly what you mean.”
“Make sure that you hire a wedding coordinator for your event so that you are not running around like crazy on a day that you should be enjoying !!! As a DJ I see this happen all the time and I can not stress how important it is and how overlooking this detail can cause alot of mishappenings in almost every aspect of the day !! Put someone in charge that can take charge …. and then let all your vendors and guests know the what and when. It runs so much better like this, I GUARANTEE IT !!!”
“There are many advises you get to hear about wedding and specially before getting married. I think the best would be to ‘stay together in thick and thin’.”
“Don’t sweat the small stuff!”
“Relax! Breathe and smile. This is a wonderful day of celebration – not a worry-fest! Plan ahead of time, but on the Big Day, let go of the little details – it will unfold in its own unique way and it WILL be beautiful!”
“My father had told me this when I was about to get married ‘Two people can view the same thing but see it differently’.”
“Accept change. Accept that you will both change, not always for the better, and that through positive communication, you can change together.”
“The wedding usually is special to the bride because they get the dress, flowers, and a new ring and all of their freinds and family is there. The biggest thing not to forget is its his big day too. I get so mad at commercials advertising to just brides because the wedding is about the couple joining and making a family. When its all said and done and your dress is tucked away, he’s still there. The best advice I got was from my mom. ‘From the beginning. Work as one, do everything stressful together. Always make sure he feels like he’s worthy to be beside you and your worthy of his time’.”
“Hands down it was my wife wanting us to spend extra money on a REALLY PROFESSIONAL Wedding Photographer. I mean this guy had years and years of experience and a resume with a references list longer than my arm. Since I hadn’t seen her wedding gown, I couldn’t understand why she was so-ooo keen on getting such a High Dollar photographer. Stop. Let me tell you. I’d known my gal for more than ten years before the wedding, so not much about her I didn’t already know. Little did I know. When the “Wedding March” started, and I turned around to look up at her coming down the aisle, with her in that gown, it simply sucked all the air out of me. I was gobsmacked. I forgot everything — blanked out, almost. The whirl of everything after that was all just a blur. I missed my own wedding, and I WAS there. The wedding photos were the only record my mind could refer to. And they were as stunning as her in that wedding dress.”
My advice, paying it forward, is this: Go ahead and spend the extra bucks for a really professional, highly experienced, wedding photographer. Oh, and always, always, LISTEN to your wife.
So now that we’ve seen what other brides and grooms say, what is the best wedding advice that you have ever gotten?