What is a complete NO-NO at a wedding?
Posted by Robert Reynolds on August 30th 2016

Recently a popular AskReddit post posed the question, “what is a complete no-no at a wedding?“. Given many of the answers, we couldn’t help but compile some of the best responses to share. Thankfully, we haven’t seen any of these at any weddings we’ve played, but one of these did happen at Aaron’s wedding.
Don’t wear a super sexy red dress and then toast the couple by talking about how the groom wanted you but you turned him down repeatedly and now he’s settling for the bride but you think they’re perfect for each other. I watched that train-wreck once. Bride handled it with class.
If you’re not the bride or groom, it’s not about you.
“But I’m the bride’s mot-” NOPE.
“But I paid fo-“NOPE.
“I dated th-” ABSOLUTELY NOPE.
“I’m the caterer, here is some more food” You’re cool.
Do nothing – absolutely nothing – to upstage or take the focus off the wedding.
Don’t get engaged. Don’t announce your engagement. Don’t announce your pregnancy. Don’t bring your new baby. Don’t get in a fight with your SO. Don’t get in a fight with anybody. Don’t bring up old beefs with family. Don’t try to sleep with someone’s date.
Show up, have fun, don’t try to upstage or make the focus on you.
I went to a wedding a few weeks back and the lady in front of us in the church was wearing the same white, high street store dress that I had bought to wear for my own wedding in October. I’d also seen it worn by a lot of brides from a wedding Facebook group I am a member of too.
It was white lace with a tulle skirt and gold embroidery. Basically, it was very bridal. She had random people in the street congratulating her as everyone walked to the reception venue across the village.
I found out later on from the bride, she’d been asked by several family members not to wear it and still did.
I went to a wedding where the bride’s collarbone was broken in a huge brawl with her mother in law. The MIL was offended by something the bride said in her speech and charged at her from a few tables away. Big parts of the room were trashed in the fight, other family members got involved and men were punching each other.
All the bride said was “I’d like to thank the people who helped us make this day a reality,” then took a breath, said “First of all, my Dad-” and then copped an open palm to the face before she could get any further. Clearly mom wasn’t happy about dad being mentioned. She didn’t get arrested but thrown in the back of a car and hauled away screeching like a banshee.
So I guess, punching the bride and breaking her collarbone is a big no no.
This is just my opinion, but I think it’s pretty improper for the DJ to play “I Write Sins Not Tragedies“.
Which happened at the last wedding I went to.
I went to a wedding where the mother of the bride had gotten engaged the night before (at the rehearsal). She then spent the entire reception at her daughter’s wedding running around and showing everyone her ring and talking about how she was engaged.
It was extremely classless, although the bride handled it perfectly. She later admitted to being livid, but you couldn’t tell, which I found impressive.
for women who are not the bride – don’t wear white.
Do not put someone in a choke hold over the bouquet, especially when you are 14.
Was pretty funny watching her mom shout “No! No!” though.
Guests bringing uninvited people / kids.
From the various weddings that I have been to:
• Don’t get into a brawl over the bouquet.
• If a child starts crying/screaming, don’t just ignore them.
• Don’t ask the couple if they’re already pregnant.
Complaining about things (flowers, cake, the bride’s dress, the food). I know people do things like this to make conversation with strangers or seem above it all, but just shut up: this is someone else’s day to the tune of someone else’s money and you were lucky enough to be invited.
Unless you are security, don’t open carry to a wedding.