The Biggest Wedding Disasters
Posted by Fun DMC on July 21st 2016

As we go into another wedding weekend, we spend a lot of time making sure all of our ducks are in a row and all of the finest details are addressed. The very last thing we want to do is be responsible for the a wedding disaster, ike the song (or wrong song) starting the first dance, mispronouncing a name during entrances, having a microphone cut out during a toast, and so on. After doing this for awhile, it’s easy to get too comfortable, which is why organization is incredibly important for us and we can happily say that we’ve had nothing but great experiences so far.
Unfortunately, others haven’t been so lucky. As we’ve mentioned before, Reddit is a great place to get some of the “worst-case scenarios” from wedding receptions. We look at these stories as cautionary tales and make sure we do everything we can to make sure that an attendee won’t eventually want to share her story about a reception we were a part of. This AskReddit thread has a number of wedding disaster stories, but we’ve included a few of the highest-rated ones below.
Keep in in mind that sharing these aren’t meant to stress anyone out or indicate that these could happen to you. We hope you read these and can laugh a little, as was the intention of the person who shared them. Also, we’ve edited out some of the language so this can be a little safer for work and sharing.
Just wrote this, but it totally fits:
One of my brother’s had a s***storm (s***show) of a wedding:
- announced they were pregnant right before the ceremony (stealing their own thunder)
- had it outdoors at this strange country club place (I don’t know how to describe what it was) but they did not seem to understand how to do a wedding
- it was windy, they had the ceremony outside, chairs and other things blew away.
- they invited around 100 people, they had around half the people not bother to show up after RSVPing.
- the dessert(s) (besides the wedding cake) never showed up (which worked out i guess with the number of people who were missing)
- he asked me to give a speech (like just called me up to say a few words without any warning), after telling me my daughter wasn’t allowed at the wedding because it was “no children” which I might have understood had they not allowed the maid of honour and the brides sister to each bring their children as exceptions (one a new born, one a few months older than my daughter)
- turned out i wasn’t the only one asked to give a speech without being warned
- my other brother gave an epic speech he just said “I’m a cop, and if your relationship was a car on the highway, i’d give you a speeding ticket and say slow down cause you’re going too f***ing fast.” and then he sat back down.
They were divorced before they made it to 1 year.
I’ve told this story before but it was a pretty good s***show. The first wedding I ever went to was just a raging disaster. I didn’t even know the couple, the groom was a friend of the guy I was dating so I got dragged along as the plus one. The wedding was out on a golf course in summer so it was hotter than hell out there. We wait. And we wait. And we wait some more and I start thinking maybe the bride ran off. Then this white limo comes flying up the drive and literally screeches to a halt burning off some tire. Turns out the limo company forgot to pick up the bride.
It’s two hours later than it should’ve been at this point when we finally get started, so the sun’s going down. Naturally people do what they do and start taking pictures. And that’s when the maid of honor hits the floor and has a grand mal seizure because the flashes set her off. So they call an ambulance and carry on with the ceremony which was really awkward because the paramedics are there with this poor girl and the bride is saying her “I do’s” and keeps looking over and shouting “Tracy I love you I hope you’re ok!” (I have no idea if her name was Tracy or not.)
I gave up and went home after the ceremony because it was late and I had stuff to do. The guy I was dating stayed for the reception though. According to him the bride’s mother got completely s***faced drunk and started screaming that her daughter’s wedding had been ruined, so she turned over the table with all the gifts on it and stomped on as many of them as she could.
It’s a pity because I’m sure the couple were nice people that just had terrible luck, but when I think of s***shows that’s the one that comes to mind first.
And, if you want some lighter stories, here are Buzzfeed’s 33 Wedding Nightmares That’ll Make You Glad You’re Single, including my personal favorite:
I was at a wedding about 10 years ago and the bride did not get along with her brother and his new girlfriend. During the reception, the girlfriend grabbed the microphone and gave a speech, then made the brother get down on one knee, and she proposed to him. People booed, then it got really quiet and the bride rushed to where the situation happened and said, ‘No one gives a f*** because this is my f***ing day,’ and everyone cheered.