Photographers Share Their Weirdest Wedding Stories
Posted by Fun DMC on September 17th 2016

As a wedding band, Fun DMC has gotten to meet and work with some extremely talented photographers in the Midwest. Some of our favorites to work with over the past few years have included AptFoto, Hubbard Photography, Warmowski Photography, Matt Debackere Photography, Lauren Westrich Photography and more. We’ve even written some blogs about our experiences with them and highly recommend them for weddings (see recommended vendors section at bottom of page).
In what little downtime any of us get at wedding receptions, it’s always fun to trade war stories. Reddit recently had a fun thread about a similar topic, asking “Wedding photographers, what’s the weirdest wedding you’ve attended to?” We’ve collected some of the best answers for you.
I photographed a wedding this year where the couple got married in a boxing ring complete with lead in fights (they were the main event), ring girls, entrances, a ring announcer, corner teams etc.
It was wicked fun. The bride had written basically a comedy routine for the two of them for the ceremony and they had ring commentators adding lines too.
I’m a musician and I played for 2 hours at a fully deaf wedding. Yes, a fully 100% deaf wedding, including the pastor.
Not a photographer but I was at a wedding where instead of a unity candle to symbolize two becoming one they made a unity peanut butter and jelly sandwich. So everyone sat there while two people quickly tried to eat a pb&j which is basically impossible. Twenty minutes later they rode off on a tandem bike which I actually liked.
Couple weekends ago. Wedding party was 24 deep, and not particularly cooperative. They were fun, just didn’t listen. Anyway, about 10 minutes into the ceremony, the pastor started mopping his brow with his sleeve… like taking eyeglasses off and hardcore wiping his face. After another 10 or so minutes, he walked over and got a chair. You might see where this is headed… Moments after sitting down, he s*** his pants, got up, and left. The best man picked up his binder and finished the ceremony. The pastor came back at the very end to make it official.
I’m not a photographer but I went to a Peter Pan wedding once where the Bride was in a night gown like Wendy, the bridesmaids were all dressed up like Tinkerbell, the Groom was Peter Pan, the groomsmen were all lost boys, and the ushers were dressed as pirates. I had no idea beforehand and thought I was hallucinating when I first walked in.
Instead of a legitimate wedding meal, they seriously just had an all you can eat macaroni table. Just macaroni. At the same wedding, bride didn’t like the groom’s boutonniere and had him replace it at the reception with the fake flowers from the cake. It was one of the first weddings I worked.
Was hired to do the photos for a joint Greek Wedding and Orthodox baptism. Baptism before the wedding, then left the baby on a little changing bed in the font of the room and performed the wedding, while the soaking wet baby cried, loudly. Not sure if that’s tradition, but everyone looked uncomfortable. At the reception, very very old men were tipping the bride for giving them lap dances. It was an adventure.
At a very fancy outdoor reception in a beautiful botanical garden, several groomsmen pooled all their intelligence and decided grab the groom and throw him into a giant fountain. I got pictures of it all. Then I got bitched out for not preventing it from happening. The B&G were humiliated and furious. Whatever, my job was to document the day, not police the actions of others.
Last year I did a Halloween wedding. It was pretty weird but kinda fun:
• The sand ceremony containers were labeled Wool of Bat and Spider Cider and poured into a skull
• Her flowers had a Skull in them (Styrofoam I think)
• The cake was Nightmare before christmas themed
• Everyone dressed up for the reception.
It was the after party that got weird. Right as the after party started one of the wedding MC’s took the mic and said “I want everyone to have a good time, but please don’t take your shirts off till at least midnight”. I found this weird but thought it was a strangely worded joke. But nope, I was wrong. Midnight hit and EVERYONE was ripping their shirts off. Groomsmen, bridesmaids, old people, fat people, everyone.
A few weeks before the date, we get a call from the MOB (mother of the bride) saying that the groom is getting cold feet. MOB says to show up anyway and “we’ll see what happens.” The day of, I show up to the venue. Bride is there, groom is not. They’re on the phone with him trying to figure out whether he’s coming. He does show up and everyone disappears somewhere to have a talk with the rabbi. After about an hour, I’m told the wedding is off. Here’s the weird part: they were supposed to get married the previous year and he cancelled that wedding, too. Why the bride agreed to a second one is a total mystery.
A couple I shot wanted to go do their formals on their own graves. They already had their grave plots purchased and their own tombstones. We did an entire formal session standing on their graves.
The bride and groom brought out a ping pong table and played beer pong for 20 minutes right in the middle of their wedding……. no one else was allowed to play, just them two, red cups and all.