Vendor Spotlight: The Elegant Bridal Expo
Posted by Fun DMC on May 10th 2016

While in this case, we would technically be the vendor in this relationships, the partnership we have established with the wonderful people at The Elegant Bridal Expo very much helped steered the course of Fun DMC’s future.
At First If You Don’t Succeed…
We first connected with Ashley, the founder of The Elegant Bridal Expo, when we were considering doing weddings way back when Robert and Aaron were in Closing Time. We had just tested the waters at a different expo at the Prairie Capital Convention Center and had poor results (somewhat expected for our first time out), but were nonetheless feeling pretty dejected. We saw that a similar event was happening at the Crowne Plaza and since we were still sitting on 975 business cards and what we thought was a decent display (it wasn’t great, but we learned that later), we took another shot. This also failed pretty spectacularly, but we had the pleasure of working with Ashley and her then very new staff. Being a band in a market full of DJs was daunting, but Ashely and crew made us feel very welcome and gave us a lot of pointers and help leading up to the event. Closing Time soon broke up, but not before booking one wedding in Chicago from that expo for a full year later.
Fun DMC is Born
Former Closing Time guitarist Aaron Eversole and bassist Aaron Stanley decided to go ahead and play that wedding, quickly putting together a set of pop and dance tunes and playing to rave reviews. They called this new group Fun DMC. After we had been playing for a year and found our signature sound of mashups, medleys, and mixtapes, we started getting more and more offers for weddings. We quickly decided to fill the void of local wedding bands in Central Illinois and make that a key focus of our bookings. This led us back to working with The Elegant Bridal Expo who, now a few years later, had really hit their stride and been running capacity bridal shows in Champaign and Bloomington as well. We’ve since participated in a Bloomington and two Springfield expos with Fun DMC and even did a live performance at the most recent one. As always, the staff was present, passionate about what they do, and very much seem to care about serving the brides and grooms of Central Illinois It’s been exciting watching them grow and we are so thankful that they allow our ragtag band of misfits to crash their event twice a year and meet with newly-engaged couples.
Check out The Elegant Bridal Expo or on their Facebook page. We can’t wait to meet you there!