Mashup Monday: Scatman’s Theme
Posted by Talon Holmes on January 27th 2020

This weeks Mashup Monday was going to be a different mashup artist from last week, but then DJ Cummerbund had to do it again. And I really don’t know how he does it. This week he takes a techno track from the Mortal Kombat soundtrack (the first one, not Annihilation. Let’s not talk about that one), mashes it with Scatman John’s Scatman. Its fantastic. I mean, I’m pretty sure I’ve listened to it 25 times since I first heard it.
But one thing DJ Cummerbund does with his mashups, other than the obligatory Macho Man Randy Savage appearance, is the accents he will add into the main melody. Whether it be the Sad But True solo in last weeks Beyoncé’s Heil or the Sweet Child of Mine guitar in That Which I Desire, he just finds the right parts from various songs to add to his mashups. I will let you find out what he adds to this one.
As always, if you hear any mashups through random YouTube binges or think you have a couple songs that would well together, leave us a link. Have a great week!