Four Handy Things Any Drummer Needs
Posted by Talon Holmes on February 3rd 2017
“Handy” things. Did you see what I did there? Never mind….
Anyways, going out and doing a live show requires a lot of things out of any musician. Practice, equipment, remembering there is a gig, practice again, it’s all very important to make sure that a show goes as smoothly as possible. All of that can be taken into account and most times, a show will go well. Sometimes though, things happen; things that will be out of your control as the world is just full of surprises and anything can happen in a live setting. Whether that be dropping or breaking a stick (guilty), breaking through a drum head (guilty), pieces lost on equipment due to the chaos of post-show packing up (guilty), all the way to mid-song the kick pedal decides it doesn’t want to function anymore.
With these, here is a list of a few things I have seen as necessary additions to any drummers packing list.
1. Stick Bag
So there you are, sitting in that rhythmic pocket busting out sweet beats knowing a few measures down the road is your big fill. The moment comes and as you are finishing your mind-bending fill, one of your sticks just slips out of your hand. Sometimes you can be real cool about it and just pluck that stick right back out of the air and go back to your beat as if nothing happened. Most times though, at least in my experience, that stick is gone for the song. Now what? Oh, yeah, your trusty stick bag! Sitting somewhere along your kit (hi-hat stand for me) is a bag full of suitable replacements to take the place of your fallen comrade. Now with maybe a couple of measures one-sticking your way through the song, you are able to get back to the beat without much notice as to what has happened. All thanks to your lucky stick bag. Without any spare sticks, that may be a long song to finish if you aren’t able to get your other stick back.
2. Duct Tape
This one doesn’t just apply to drummers, it applies to everyone. Plain and simple duct tape is your best friend. Has something broken and you need a quick fix to put it back together? Duct tape is the answer. Take, for example, a drum head breaking mid-show. Granted, drum heads are an item that need replaced at a fairly regular interval, but sometimes it doesn’t happen and the drum heads tend to weaken as they are used. Unless you happen to have a spare drum head with you, duct tape is probably the best option as far as quick fixes are concerned. In addition to broken drum heads, if you don’t have a stick bag and your stick breaks, duct tape can fix that as well.
3. Spare Pieces
There are many small bolts and screws in a drum kit. From the connectors for the drum heads to the screw that holds the bar for double kick pedals, without these small pieces a drum kit is just a pile of wood and metal. Come tear down time after a gig a lot can happen with all the moving parts of a drum kit. A small bolt could slip off unnoticed, a screw could be left loose and fall off during transit, or, and I am still not sure how, a hardware stand can completely fall apart inside a hardware case. Regardless of what happens, it always helps to have spares in the event that something goes missing; otherwise you are left up in Wisconsin in a lodge without a functioning double kick pedal.
4. Double Kick Pedals
Speaking of a double kick pedal, it probably wouldn’t hurt to use one. Not necessarily to use for kick rolls and classic metal double kick, but in the event that your primary pedal decides to stop working for whatever reason. As I have mentioned, sometimes things just disconnect without warning and you are left without fully functioning equipment in the middle song. Luckily with double kick pedals, if the primary one malfunctions you always have a spare. Granted, you may lose access to your hi-hat control in this instance, but I believe it is a lot better than losing access to the kick drum.
Now it’s very possible that, much like equipment for a show, I forgot some items that may prove valuable later on. When I inevitably remember those items, I will be sure to add them to the list. Think of anything I should add? Leave us a message on Facebook or shoot me an e-mail at