The Real Estate Group and Elegant Bridal Expo
Posted by Robert Reynolds on September 3rd 2016

Fun DMC enjoyed an evening out at the anchor boat club last weekend. The Real Estate Group client appreciation party was actually booked through a wedding reception the band had played at Erin’s Pavilion earlier this summer. The event included live music from the band, a bounce house for the kids, and a fantastic spread by Nelsons Catering. In spite of earlier predictions of rain, the band and the guests they entertained enjoyed a beautiful Saturday night overlooking Lake Springfield.
With no rest for the weary, Sunday morning found Aaron and Robert representing fun DMC at the Elegant Bridal Expo at the Crowne Plaza. The bridal expo has become an event that the band regularly attends and it was great to see so many familiar faces from the many wedding receptions played over the summer. It was nice to visit with our friends from Warmowski Photo and Hubbard Photography and we were able to meet some new vendors as well.
We met close to 325 brides and their entourages in what turned out to be a very exhausting yet successful day and our schedule for next year is already filling up! Thanks to Ashley and her amazing team for having us again. We can’t wait to head back in January.
After a quick tear down, The band dined at the new Groovy Duck, which received a decent review from Albert.