Memphis on Main and The Decatur Celebration
Posted by Robert Reynolds on August 9th 2017

Upon arriving at Champaign’s famed, Memphis On Main, the band found that the waste service had placed the venue’s 20 yard dumpster (with no wheels mind you) directly in the path where we would normally load in our gear. And so the burly gentlemen of Fun DMC (while being photographed by our burly lady singer) gathered around the beastly blue box, picked it up, and pushed it out of the way. What followed was one of the most efficient set ups in recent memory and I can tell you why: last time we were late, the Black Dog Smoke & Ale House ran out of ribs. We entered said restaurant (which resides just outside of the rear entrance of Memphis On Main in the old train depot) and were delighted to be informed that there was an ample stock of ribs on site. During our wait, the band decided engage in a social media experiment with our mobile devices and Facebook Live. On the count of three, all six of us launched a live broadcast and likely confused many of our followers. We returned to Memphis On Main and put on a show for the folks gathered there. I think it took a couple of songs for them to “get” what it is that we do but when it clicked, we had friends for the rest of the night.
That night we were hosted by the Stanleys in Decatur and we were on the roster for Decatur Celebration the next day. Following a delightful breakfast and an afternoon lounging at Club Capati (that would be the home of Albert’s parents) the band began to load in at the Show Stage that would be the home of Fun DMC and Bret Michaels that evening. After a quick sound check, the band returned for a moment to the green room (yes, we had our own green room) and were treated to a quick meal from catering before taking the stage. Two weeks ago we had played to our largest crowd yet at the Bank Of Springfield Plaza. That milestone was quickly shattered at the Decatur Celebration. People were crammed into that area and spilled out for three city blocks. Fun DMC pushed the pedal through the floor and put on one of the most high-energy shows in our memory. Our time was up and we quickly exited the stage. 45 minutes later, Bret Michaels took the stage for a record-breaking crowd. About an hour into his show, Talon and I departed Decatur Celebration, pulling up Poison’s Greatest Hits as our soundtrack for the ride home. Of course we both loudly sang “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” several times. And “Bumblebee Tuna” by Mesaskapheles. Don’t click on that link. You’ll be singing that song for a month.
Fun DMC has a few private shows this weekend and will be at the Illinois State Fair next week. Hope to see you there.