Halloween Private Party. Also, we’re old.
Posted by Fun DMC on November 1st 2016

For any band, a Halloween show ranks up there with one of the most important nights of the year. There are costumes to buy, decorations and atmosphere to consider, and if you are Fun DMC, it’s fairly expected at this point that you will learn “Time Warp” including all dance moves.
Saturday night found the band at one of the most elaborate and spooky scenes we have come across yet. The vast Williams property was decorated in precise detail from the spooky strobe lights in the old two-story farmhouse to the hanging chains and bodies in the barn to the inflatable theater screen in the field outback, it was clear that to our hosts, Halloween is serious business.
Of course Fun DMC was not without their contribution to the holiday as we all arrived with serious costumes of our own. They included Beat It-era Michael Jackson, Beetlejuice, Walter White, Chewbacca, Left Shark (of Super Bowl fame), and a guy we call “Captain Chicken” (keep an eye out on Instagram for complete pictures this week).
Being as that the Cubs were playing in their first World Series appearance since World War II, the first half of our show was heavily attended by a large group of students from Pleasant Plains. These young people definitely brought their own brand of energy to the dance floor that was uninhibited and at times even explosive. However, it was in between sets that we were reminded how quickly hit songs come and go these days. While the band strives to maintain a bumper playlist in between sets that is current and relevant to all ages, Saturday night we learned just how far out of the loop we were. While our live performances of Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk” and Justin Timberlake’s “Can’t Stop The Feeling” were huge hits with our younger fans, we were reminded of our inadequacies with every request of “Hit The Quan,” “Ju Ju On That Beat,” and “Closer.” Unfortunately, the way music trends as of late, most of these songs will have faded into obscurity long before I update our Spotify playlist.
Comparatively, Fun DMC is one of the younger bands in this area. We daily search the charts and airwaves for the next big hit of the year. That said, time is a cruel mistress to us all and no matter how hard we try, no matter how many late nights we put in, no matter how hard we dance, we can never truly be cool again. Famed environmental activist, Jack Weinberg, once said, “Never trust anybody over 30.” Those who create great works of art will likely do so long before the cynicism of this world pulls them down. Maybe we’re the ones who are out of touch. Maybe it’s better to burn out like a shooting star than to simply fade away. Maybe “Panda” is this generation’s “A Day In The Life.”
Stay Gold, Pony Boy.