Firefighters Lake Club Chicken Fry Pre-Party
Posted by Robert Reynolds on June 20th 2017

Friday night was a beautiful June evening spent at the Firefighters Lake Club in Springfield for their annual Chicken Fry Pre-Party. The band gathered among family and friends to perform with guest vocalist, Liz Gall of The Mix. It is officially summer today and this past weekend was a whirlwind for the local music scene. From the Sangamon County Fair to the outdoor Coors stages to the The Muni, the was no shortage of options for Central Illinois this past weekend.
Perhaps no other band had a bigger weekend than our friends Lick Creek Country Band. Hot on the heels of their EP release, which includes the very catchy “Bend,” Central Illinois’ favorite country band opened up for Aaron Lewis at the Sangamon County Fair grandstand. The song is great, the band is great, and if you like a little drive in your country, very much worth checking out.
This weekend we are at the Greene County Fair in Carrollton on Friday night and a wedding in Assumption on Saturday. See you out on the tour.