Who is Jason Youngberg? – Ask Me Anything Recap
Posted by Fun DMC on May 21st 2020

On Thursday, May 14, Jason spent an hour answering all of your questions during an awesome round of Ask Me Anything live on Facebook and Instagram
See Jason’s entire AMA here.
Do you have any tattoos?
- Yes, I have one. Although, it’s almost like a half. This is my coy fish. It has a special meaning. My wife has the other fish. It’s almost like a yin yang.
- If you want to get a little nerdy, these fish are actually from Avatar: The Last Air Bender, a show that my wife and I are fond of.
Who is the greatest Jedi?
- I’m going to go with Qui-Gon Jinn because he understood what the Jedi order was about and if he would have lived he would have properly taught Anakin how to balance himself.
How much do you enjoy being in the band?
- The band has given me so much. It is a passion. It gives me life. It makes me feel so comfortable. It gives me self esteem. It’s been an amazing experience. I’ve gotten to grow in ways I didn’t think I was capable of. It’s definitely brought out a more artistic side of me.
Xbox or Playstation?
- I get super nerdy into the politics of gaming consoles (watch the live for more details).
- Right now I lean more toward Playstation but I’ll probably switch to Xbox for the next generation
What has been your favorite show since you joined the band?
- That’s tough. So many of them have so many critical moments that are fun to think back on but I’m not sure if I have a favorite.
- I feel like each show I get better and I get more charismatic in it.
- I’m going to say our last show at the Blue Grouch, I felt really on point. I felt really on that night. Everyone was right on.
You have killer dance moves. Do you give lessons?
- No, I have to hold on to these.
- I am self taught. Unless you count trying to watch Katey and trying to pretend I know what she’s doing.
- I’ve kind of found my own style and it’s kind of nerdy, but I’m embracing the nerdiness of it.
How are you good at what you do?
- I’ve always been a people pleaser. I like to impress people
- It’s good to give people a good time. I live for those moments.
What was your favorite video game when you were a kid?
- That’s so hard.
- I played a ton of Mario Brothers stuff. Final Fantasy VII was a huge one when I was a preteen.
- I always loved things like Mario Cart but I am terrible at fighting games.
What instruments do I play?
- My biological grandfather introduced me to music. He gave me an electric guitar when I was very young and I had no idea what to do with it. It was a little intimidating.
- He would also give me other instruments in order to peak my interest. But what I latched onto was an alto saxophone. I practiced it in grade school and came back to it in high school. I did the marching band thing which was super fun. You die in those uniforms in the middle of summer, but it was super fun.
- In high school I dabbled in piano. I had an awesome teacher in Ramesy. She also introduced me to clarinet, drums, and xylophone. I played one song on the xylophone for a senior concert once.
Do you give guitar lessons?
- I don’t play guitar well enough to give guitar lessons.
- I’m currently taking bass lessons. Robert Reynolds has been coaching me, teaching me how to slap the bass. He’s a really good teacher and he works for Music Therapy Connections. I will point anyone there who is looking to take lessons.
What was the most difficult part of gaining the confidence to perform on stage?
- It’s weird. I’m not sure about it being difficult. Over time, you get more comfortable with yourself on stage.
- I never had a lot of confidence in my natural singing voice. In the car, I sing very nasally and try to imitate the singer’s voice as closely and as accurately as I can. Which isn’t MY voice.
- Using my natural voice has helped me come out of my shell and gain confidence.
- Jumping on stage with another band for a song or two has also been very helpful in raising my confidence. Thank you Smashtag.
Which of your cats is your favorite?
- I have 3 cats, and two dogs as well (Birdie & Cheryl).
- Our oldest cat is Miss Kitty (she’s going to be 18), our second kitty is baby kitty (because she loves attention), and our newest cat is Friday.
- I’m going to say Friday is my favorite but only because he shows affections to me differently than all the other pets do. When I get home, he paws at my leg and wants to be picked up and hugged.
What was your first concert?
- When I was a kid, my parents brought me to see Tim McGraw and Faith Hill in St. Louis. I don’t remember much of it other than Tim McGraw jumped off of a super high rise and ripped the butt out of his pants 3 seconds into the show.
- The first concert I chose to go to was Bare Naked Ladies with Alanis Morisette in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was amazing! I listened to their “Stunt” Album on repeat.
What song is currently your jam?
- I stumbled across a song on reddit the other day called “Lone Digger”. It makes me dance and gives me a good energy.
What’s been your favorite solo so far?
- Probably Hamilton.
- I never thought, in my life, I would ever get to sing anything from Hamilton on any stage.
- I love Hamilton so much and used to listen to it on repeat.
- Another favorite song to sing is “Feel it Still”. It’s really fun to sing. It feels really good in my voice and it’s just really fun.
Do you believe you can fly like Batman?
- Yes, and I’ll tell you why.
- When I was 18, I jumped out of a plane to go sky diving.
- It was beautiful and I highly recommend it. It felt like 10 minutes of peace, in it’s purest form.
How have you been staying sane during the Shelter in Place mandate?
- It’s changed over the past 2.5 months.
- During the first couple weeks, I went super project heavy and redid my backyard. We bought couches and a nice umbrella with LED lights. I bought a projector for the outside and a fire pit.
- I’ve never been a backyard guy, but I’ve been really enjoying it.
- This has also given me a chance to bond with my dogs. They are pretty new to the family still so it’s been nice to build that trust and bond with them.
What artist has the greatest impact on you?
- Probably “Weird Al”.
- I’ve always appreciated someone who doesn’t take themselves, too, seriously. And I’ve always really appreciated someone who can take a piece of art and reshape and retool it. He really shapes the entire song and I appreciate his puns.
- I wish I would have learned about him earlier in my life.
Who would you add to the Smash Brothers roster?
- I’d like more villains in the roster. Or I’d love to see another 3rd party character like Dr. Robotnik or Knuckles to match Sonic.
What is your favorite childhood movie?
- Probably the original Ninja Turtles.
- There is a theme of fatherhood and it’s fun seeing all of those different dynamics.
- I’m a huge fan of Jim Henson.
Has being in the band given you a deeper appreciation for stage performances?
- Definitely! Especially, now that I know how behind the scenes works.
- Learning about sound checks was interesting and something I had to get used to.
Jason, what day is it?
- I’m 45% sure it’s Thursday.
- I need one of those clocks where it says the day of the week on it.
What is the best crowd participation moment that you have had as a band in Fun DMC?
- Every so often, we throw out ideas to each other for songs. I threw out the idea to do “Kung Foo Fighting” with “Sugar We’re Going Down Swinging”. I always thought the “Kung Foo Fighting” would just be fun and silly and that people would latch onto sugar more. But at the last wedding we did at Panther Creek Country Club, when Robert was singing the “Oh, oh, oh oh,” intro, a circle formed on the dance floor and people were doing karate moves. It was so satisfying to see everyone so into it.
Can you show me your cats?
- If I had a cat nearby, I would definitely show you.
Do you get nervous before you go on stage?
- Yes and no. The type of nervousness has changed.
- Before it was a lack of confidence but now it’s more making sure I’m warmed up properly and in the right head space to put on a good show.
- Sometimes, it takes 3-4 songs to feel it out and see what kind of mood its going to be and what kind of audience participation we have.
- The nerves are still there and on occasion I’ll get more nervous.
- Fidgeting makes me feel calmer. I have a pattern in my head all the time, like a criss cross,
Who’s your celebrity crush?
- I’m not sure. I don’t think I have one right now.
Who would I say was the most beautiful woman that I have seen attending a Curve Inn show?
- My mom comes to my shows and she’s so pretty.
- I got her on stage when it was her birthday and she was super embarrassed, but it’s nice having her there.
- I haven’t gotten to hang out with my mom since Shelter in Place
What’s your favorite local restaurant to order from or do curbside pick up from during quarantine?
- If it wasn’t during the Shelter in Place mandate, I would say Charlie Parkers.
- During Shelter in Place, I have gone to pick up Los Rancheros several times. Delivery wise I’ve gotten Chipotle and Head West Sub Stop quite a bit. I might lean toward Head West though when I’m craving a good cookie or brownie.
What is the most heartwarming thing you’ve seen at a wedding you’ve performed at?
- My very first wedding, there was this cute little flower girl who was dancing to all of our songs. When we started a slow dance, she didn’t have anyone to dance with so she was just rocking back and forth in front of the stage. I didn’t have any lyrics for that song so I stepped out to dance with her.
- There was another little girl at a different wedding who was super into the guitar and really wanted to play. She was doing air guitar the entire show.
- I’m going to address the Sasquatch in the room because there’s a fair amount of questions asking me about something Sasquatch related.
- Someone in this house wants to buy a very expensive piece of concrete work. It’s 5.5 feet tall and a lawn ornament Sasquatch piece. It’s awful. I hate it so much but all my friends are torturing the crap out of me.
- I take pride and pleasure in gift giving. I’m going to use my gift giving skills to get revenge on all of those friends.
- We’ve spent a lot of money on backyard things recently, like we may have even purchased a hot tub. We don’t need a Sasquatch. It’s a safety Hazard (see 30:30 for more)
How are you enjoying your hot tub?
- I am loving my hot tub. I’ve been in it every single day since it’s been here.
- It’s been really nice and cozy! Since we have the outdoor projector and firepit, we can have a movie and fire going while we’re in the hot tub. It’s really fun!
- It hasn’t been a project without it’s hiccups though. I didn’t have the right breaker and needed to learn how to replace it.
What is your favorite urban legend?
- Locally, I love the Chili Bowl Mullet Man.
- I used to go to Game Stop all the time and I loved running into him if we were both buying the same exclusive video game.
- As far as a larger story/urban legend, probably the one where people flash their lights at you to let you know there is someone in your back seat that is going to get you.
On a scale of 1-10, how well can you put together boxes of furniture?
- Most of the furniture in my house has been assembled by me.
- But I do often make the mistake that I know what the next step is and I jump ahead two steps. Then if something does fit right then I have to go back and undo my work.
Will you ever face Dane in a gentleman’s duel?
- I would love to do that.
- I’m not sure Dane’s the same way, but if there are songs with a lot of rap lyrics, I’m always compelled to learn them as if the song itself is challenging me, like “It’s too much. You can’t figure it out.”
- (34:45 for all the rapid fire songs Jason has learned completely)
- I think Dane might feel challenged by those kinds of songs as well so I’d love to find a song we could rap battle and perform together.
Do you think you can out dance Katey?
- Noooo.
- Katey is intimidating with her moves. She makes it look effortless and it’s not fair.
- It’s one of those things where you learn as you go and it starts to feel more natural and organic.
How badly do you miss being able to play with the band?
- I definitely miss the performances but thankfully all of my bandmates are incredibly close friends so I’ve been chatting with them through messagers all the time.
- I miss them because we can’t be physically close and I miss the shows, but I don’t feel like I’ve been cut off from them as drastically. We all check in with each other.
If there’s one thing you could instantly improve about yourself, what would it be?
- Probably my teeth. I’ve thought about getting adult braces for a while.
Do you remember a moment when a fellow band member may have saved your butt in some way?
- I think my first show at The Blue Grouch Pub, outside, we were going to start 24K Magic. I had my in ears in but hadn’t turned up the volume. Robert looked over to see if I was ready because the first beat is my note. I heard the drums kick in and knew I had missed at least the first 6 words of the song. Robert tried to save me.
Can you show the audience your pre-Fun DMC signature move?
- (39:15) Watch Jason’s awkward dance moves.
- Everyone should learn to dance and not be afraid to because dancing is super fun.
- Dancing is not something I was super comfortable with when I started with Fun DMC.
If you could switch up the Fun DMC attire, what would we do?
- I feel like I have influenced a little bit of a change up with our formal attire.
- When I got the black and yellow converse shoes, we changed things up a little bit.
If you could perform with any local band for one night, other than Smashtag, who would you choose?
- I would probably choose ReMix because I know most of their material already.
- I would have chosen Winston’s Weekend if they were still around. I actually sang “The Middle” for the first time with them before I actually sang it with Fun DMC.
What is your dream mashup that wouldn’t necessarily be a fan favorite?
- There are songs I would love to sing but I can’t find something to pair them with.
- I love 90’s acoustic songs like “No Rain”, “Two Princes”, and “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” but they aren’t great bar songs.
- “No Rain” has a very special place in my heart.
When did you meet you wife?
- We’ve been married almost 15 years. We started dating December of 2001. So, I’ve been with her longer than I haven’t.
- We’ve survived a lot of odds.
- For more of their story and the odd they’ve survived check in 45:00
What song was the hardest to learn with Fun DMC?
- The hardest to learn was Usher’s “Yeah!”. I had to learn it for my audition and I wasn’t familiar with Usher at all. I locked up hard there. I had to listen to it on repeat. I drove my wife crazy because I wouldn’t listen to it with headphones.
- We call it “Yeah! Billie” because we mash it up with Michael Jackson.
What is your favorite video game music?
- There’s so much! That’s a huge question. I love a lot of the Final Fantasy Music.
- I actually had tickets to go up to Chicago in October to see the Final Fantasy orchestra, but I think that got cancelled due to everything with COVID-19.
- Synesthesia runs in my family. My sister hears color. I have something similar where songs and music make me feel a certain temperature almost. There are certain melodies that make me feel cold and others that make me feel warm.
Do you ever think that you will sing “Say a Little Prayer For You” live anywhere?
- I mentioned this to my cousin Ashley earlier. We went to a karaoke bar for my mom’s birthday one year. The movie, My Best Friend’s Wedding had just come out and my mom loved the movie. I thought it would be fun if we sang that song. When it came time to sing it, my cousin Ashely bailed on me but I still got up to sing it. But I had no idea what the lyrics were. I insisted it was the wrong song because I had never heard the beginning and told the guy running karaoke that I had to be done.
What was the process of getting to be in Fun DMC?
- Thankfully, my friend Matt linked me to a Facebook post where Fun DMC was looking for a new vocalist. At that point, Albert was trying to make his way out at his own pace and the band was trying to find a replacement before it was too late.
- I remember 5 years ago, before Albert had even joined the band, that they were looking for another singer at the time. I was interested then, but I didn’t have the drive. Somehow, it worked out.
- The moment I saw the new audition for Albert’s spot, I knew I was supposed to be there.
What’s your favorite color?
- Definitely purple! I look good in purple. It’s the color of royalty.
- Our entire basement used to be dark purple.
What is the airspeed velocity of unladen swallow?
- Well that depends. Are we talking about African or European swallow.
Have you been staying active during shelter in place?
- I’ve been trying to. I’ve created my own unique workout where I incorporate it with a video game. You would understand if you could see me play a video game, because I can’t just relax when I play a video game.
- Check out minute marker 58:00 for Jason’s current workout plan.
Who’s the next AMA?
- TALON!!!!!!!