Unraveling the Fun DMC Uniform
Posted by Katey Kamerad on October 4th 2017

The past couple months have been a whirlwind of shows and an incredible reminder why we have a set attire for Fun DMC. Our weekends, and even some weekdays, have been jam packed with shows on top of the already hectic weeks we all have within our own personal lives. I am so grateful that we have spent time in the past hammering out the details of our show setup/teardown and worked on streamlining our whole process that goes into each event. Honestly, there has not been a spare minute to stop and think about or really debate any of those details. With this being such a busy season, one of the things I am most thankful for is our set attire. The absolute LAST thing I want to do when going into a busy week is have to think about what to wear on stage; I am beyond grateful that decision was made months ago.
I’m notoriously bad at making the little decisions (i.e. what/where to eat, what I want to do in my free time, what to wear, etc). This comes into play especially when I’m selecting my wardrobe. On any given day, I will try on at least two or three different outfits before landing on something I think is passable. Beyond that, there’s then the decision of shoes, accessories, makeup, hair… the choices and possibilities are endless and the whole process can be exhausting.
I honestly don’t know how other bands find “their look” or how singers (without their own personal stylist) figure out what to wear to any given performance. I always marvel at how put together other singers and even whole bands look on stage. Maybe it’s just me and they all deal with the same internal struggle I face, but they generally look flawless or like they’ve really honed in on their particular stage character through their wardrobe and appearance. I catch myself staring while I wonder how long it took them to pick out their shoes or how they even started going about deciding what shorts to wear. I’m always curious if their band has a group chat where they endlessly discuss their styling options for the night and debate whether or not their selection fits with “the look” for the band. I know that may seem ridiculous, but choosing what to wear (especially on a large stage) stresses me out!!
I am so grateful that Fun DMC decided on a set attire a few years ago (before I was even in the picture). As I understand, the Fun DMC uniform started quite by accident when all of the members decided to wear superhero shirts because, of course, they are all super nerds who just happen to have those laying around. The superhero theme stuck and has become a the trademark look for Fun DMC. I knew, even when I started filling in a few years back that I was supposed to show up in a Wonder Woman shirt and jeans. Not only did the set attire help ease some of my nerves by eliminating a seemingly huge decision, it also made me feel like a part of the group from our very first moments together on stage.
Of course, the look has continued to evolve as the band has shifted and changed over the years and as Fun DMC started branching out into private events and weddings. We’ve had multi-hour conversations over Facebook messenger and even group shopping outings to Kohl’s in order to settle aspects of our wardrobe. Through our conversations, we’ve decided specific summer looks, music video attire, bar gig outfits, and wedding/special event wardrobe. No matter the event, the superhero theme has remained at the core of the wardrobe for public outings and has even been incorporated into private events by adding colorful shirts or superhero pins to match our characters.
I love that we made those decisions months ago and have been able to show up to every events in the proper coordinating attire and looking professional without having to even think about it. I love that we look like a group that belongs together and that you can pick us out of any crowd because of our superhero theme. I love that we get called out (even on the radio) for our nerdy shirts that make us memorable. And lastly, I love our “look” that we’ve created because it makes me feel like a part of something special that is bigger than just me, the singer, on stage. I love being the wonder woman in my Fun DMC family.