The Five Stages of Fun DMC’s Mashups
Posted by Robert Reynolds on December 22nd 2016

Seasons greetings friends and fans alike. I trust this blog finds you well as we count down the last remaining days of 2016. The band has been on a much needed break for the last couple of weeks but don’t let our absence from the stage fool you, we have been quite busy. There have been business meetings to conduct, contracts to sign, and daily Instagram photos to post. And though we have no doubt enjoyed our brief hiatus from the stage, I’m sure I speak for the rest of the band when I say that we are very much looking forward to returning to live performance in just under two weeks. For all of the bands’ other duties, rehearsals, and promotion, the core of what we do is the live show.
Since our first show in the winter of 2013, Fun DMC LIVE has evolved with every performance. The material has changed, the energy has changed, and last I checked, we have now incorporated a bit of circus acrobatics in the form of a Skip-It and a handful of hula hoops. With every show we play we find new innovations to entertain our guests. Still, for all of its spectacle, Fun DMC in its most basic form is still about the music. And for the most part, that music has been well received at every venue we played. The concept of a live mashup band has proven to be as unique as it is entertaining. However, there is always an exception.
Occasionally we have run into a few individuals who suffer from the most severe form of disappointment with every new song. It’s not that the material has been lost on them, rather the approach. And these lost souls are often the very first on the dance floor. They hear a riff or recognize a beat and they immediately grab their friends to circle up and get this party started. They may not realize it but I watch these fire starters with all the wonder of a child as they seem to pop up about every third show or so. I thought it might be worth posting the results of my intense study from behind the microphone so I present to you – The Five Stages Of Fun DMC.
It’s usually at this point that I see just a glimmer of light fade from their eyes. That AC/DC guitar riff just betrayed their cherished memories from senior year as it charged like a runaway locomotive, carrying carloads of unfamiliar lyrics and hip hop flavor. While the rest of the dance floor has managed to adapt and overcome, this individual has stopped dead in their tracks, desperately trying to process the crime that has just been committed.
It’s usually at this point that either Albert or Katey take on the full force of aggression. Our bereaved is standing front and center, doing their best to intimidate our singers into submission. They walk back to their circle of friends, viciously tearing at the air as they voice their disapproval. “How dare this band recreate my favorite song in their own image?”
This is where they try to find common ground. In spite of an energetic audience, completely content to dance the night away with Fun DMC, the spirit moves them into intercession. Like a faithful child at bedtime prayers, they insist on making their request known on behalf of the already satisfied crowd. Regardless of the fact that we have a tried and true program and momentum is at full tilt, in the expert opinion of this individual, the best thing we could do right now is shut down the hype and play “Glycerine.”
Every ploy and every tactic has failed at every turn. Defeated, they make their way to the bar knowing that they alone could have saved the dance had it not been for this menacing band. In most cases, they would take this opportunity to seek out the sound technician and enlighten them on the benefits of a Full Sail education. However, Fun DMC recognizes that it’s 2016 and as such, our sound tech is well hidden behind the safety of their respective iPad. With no one left to impart their wisdom to, they are left with very little choice – which brings us to the final stage.
After a drink or two, our hero returns to the dance floor. Though well-intentioned and certainly firm in his principles, there is a higher truth that cannot be denied – dance.
Fun DMC will close out 2016 at The Boar’s Nest in Athens. Hope to see you there.