Ask Me Anything – with Robert Reynolds
Posted by Fun DMC on June 4th 2020

On Thursday, May 28th, Robert spent an hour on Facebook and Instagram live, telling stories, reminiscing, and answering all of your questions.
Before diving deep into the inquiries shared by all of our Fun DMC super fans, Robert shared a little about himself! Make sure you check out the full video on our Facebook page for more in-depth stories, opinions, and content.
Robert lives in Springfield, Illinois. He is married to the lovely Laura Reynolds and has two children. Audrey is 6 and Jack is 2 (and screaming all the time). Robert has been a member of Fun DMC for about 6 years. Laura was pregnant with Audrey when I decided to join Fun DMC and she was born the summer we decided to really kick things in.
What is your favorite dorian scale?
- Dorian is actually a mode and not a scale but D dorian is my favorite mode because it’s a jazz scale.
How old were you when you discovered Superman?
- I discovered Superman through the original 1978 film with Christopher Reeve. My dad introduced me to Superman through the original Superman movie.
- I have been a fan of the big blue boy scout ever since.
- Check out more superhero love at minute marker 3:15
Are you going to be there (at Crossfit Instinct) on Monday?
- They are doing a soft re-open Monday, June 6th and doing parking lot workouts.
- Yes, I plan to be there.
Who would win in a fight between He-Man and Superman?
- Superman would defeat He-Man easily. The only weakness Superman has that we know is kryptonite. He-Man is strong and master of the universe but Superman, through whatever power he has, would win.
How many guitars do you own?
- I want to say 5. Maybe 6.
- I take a Stratocaster, Les Paul, and acoustic guitar on the road.
What have you been up to during quarantine?
- A lot actually.
- I have been busier during quarantine than any other time in my life.
- I’ve been doing a lot of work on my pedal board to have it ready for our show at the Curve Inn on June 5th with Smashtag.
Why is Jurassic Park so much better than Jaws?
- Jaws is my all time favorite movie. It is the ultimate movie to me about the hero’s journey.
- While Jurassic Park is a phenomenal movie and has better effects, Jaws is just a better movie.
The band is loud, can Fun DMC play some hymns?
- We actually could. Fun DMC actually finds a lot of roots in church music. The way we do our lights and build a story is based a lot in experience from working in the church. I see our set list is like our rock ‘n’ roll liturgy.
What is your favorite color?
- Blue. That probably has something to do with Superman. But dark blue is really my favorite.
How many extra guitar strings do you bring to shows with you?
- We have packs and pack and packs on hand because I am notorious for breaking a lot of strings.
- I don’t think I play very hard, but maybe I do.
Do you still get nervous before your shows?
- Yes and no.
- I get a lot of nervous energy and tend to pace a lot and check over details. The crowds and making mistakes aren’t what make me nervous, but tech (like cables working) is what makes me nervous.
- More on this at 11:30
- Shout out to Chad Kamerad, our tech guru, who has made a lot of improvements to our show and we have had a huge decrease in tech issues.
What animal impressions can you do?
- I really can only do a horse sound (12:41)
How long have you been playing guitar?
- I started late, when I was 20. I didn’t have a lot of musical experience before that.
- Around age 20 I had a girl break my heart. I channeled that into something new, which was learning guitar.
- So, I guess I’ve been playing guitar for 20 years, because I’m now 40. But I try not to act like I’m 40.
Do you give guitar lessons?
- Yes, I give guitar lessons. Shout out to Music Therapy Connections. Currently, I’m doing virtual lessons through Zoom. I do have some openings so if you are looking to learn bass, guitar, ukulele or even an instrument I don’t teach, definitely hit up Music Therapy Connections about that.
What’s the most number of strings you’ve broken in one night?
- 3, maybe 4. I think the night we were at Long Bridge Golf Course that we debuted the Country Medley the night I broke 4 strings.
- I have broken the most strings while playing “The Middle”.
Who is your least favorite superhero?
- I don’t follow comics enough to know the whole universe and really know who I don’t like. But for most useless, I’m going to go with Robin. I’ve just never seen the need for Robin.
How many siblings do you have?
- I have 5 sisters. I am the oldest and only boy.
Has anything funny happened to you at a show?
- When we were performing live at a wedding expo, we were singing “Hey Ya!” and… (35:15 for this whole magical story)
How many instruments do you play?
- I can play guitar, church bass, ukulele (something I picked up over the past couple years by teaching it), I play piano, I sing, and I even rap (which is a skill I learned through Fun DMC).
What’s the first musical you fell in love with?
- Wicked. My wife introduced me to musicals. She took me to see Wicked in Chicago and it was the first one that caught my attention.
Do you have any pre-show rituals?
- Coffee. A lot of people have their drink of preference, mine is coffee.
How many strings have you broken?
- As many stars as are in the sky. A lot.
How much meat can cause meat sweats and end a guys night?
- I’m trying to place this memory.
How excited are you to get a haircut?
- I am so excited to get a haircut. My hair is out of control right now. This is the longest I have gone without cutting my hair. I’ve been wearing a hat for 3-4 weeks.
- Shout out to Hair of the Dog and Jeremy. That is where I am going when they reopen around June 2nd.
Who is your most hated celebrity?
- I was going to say Susan Sarandon. I don’t know why, but I’ve never found a movie of her’s that I like. Also, Meryl Streep.
What movie is your favorite guilty pleasure?
- A lot of the movies I like could be defined as guilty pleasures. Is Mean Girls a guilty pleasure?
What guitar solo do you like the most?
- We do a mashup for “Party in the USA” and “Santeria”, and while the guitar solo for “Santeria” isn’t really flashy, I love it so much.
Who is your favorite female singer?
- Aside from Katey Kamerad, I would say Alanis Morissette or Sarah McLachlan?
- I love lady rock from the 90’s.
- “Angel” is one of my all-time favorite songs.
- And of course, Jagged Little Pill. If you dig through our YouTube channel you can see Fun DMC perform about half of Jagged Little Pill.
What is your favorite chick anthem to rock out it in the car?
- It’s not Alanis’ most popular track, but “All I Really Want” is such a good song.
- My favorite Alanis song is actually “Thank U”.
Who is your favorite worship leader?
- That’s a tricky one. A lot of my musical roots actually started in the church.
- David Crowder, especially when he was with David Crowder Band, is definitely up there. They were one of the most innovative and creative groups out there.
- Recently, I’ve been getting into the stuff Elevation Band has been putting out. And of course Hillsong United as well.
- I know I’m naming bands and not worship leaders.
What is your post-show meal?
- If we are at Steak ‘n Shake, it’s a Western BBQ Burger.
- If it’s at Smokey Bones (which it’s a band tradition to go there after every Curve Inn show), their corn bread and mac and cheese are my go to carb load.
What is your middle name?
- Joe. When I was younger people called me Bobby Joe.
What guitar solo was the most difficult or frustrating to learn?
- It took me a while to learn all three guitar solos for “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” which we used to do as a mashup with “Baby Got Back”. Now I love playing them.
What is your favorite holiday?
- It’s Christmas. I love Christmas.
What was the band 2019 highlight for you?
- 2019 feels like it was 5 years ago.
- One of them would be Jason Youngberg joining the band.
- Every version of Fun DMC has been unique.
- When Albert Capati departed and Jason joined we kind of veered off in a new path.
- Getting to play alongside Too White Crew was a highlight.
- Also, all of the weddings we played.
- And all of the new material we rolled out I’m super happy with.
How many different bands have you been in?
- Not that many. I’ve been in Fun DMC for about 6 years.
- Before that I was in a 90’s tribute band called Closing Time.
- Before that I was in a worship band called Under Grace that traveled into the New England area. Under Grace was where I learned to sing more and get up in front of a mic.
What is your favorite Christian pop culture show, band, or movie?
- I grew up in a youth group culture listening to Petra and DC Talk.
- I don’t have a favorite Christian movie because most of them just aren’t great. But if you have a favorite, send it my way.
What song do you miss performing the most?
- “Some Nights” by the band Fun.
Have you ever broken a bone?
- No. Never. I think I may be unbreakable.
What TV show defined your teen years?
- I wasn’t allowed to watch a lot of TV growing up.
- But had I been allowed to watch TV it probably would have been Seinfeld.
When are we starting our own DC Talk tribute band?
- Dane. I love that question.
- I wish I had more time to do that because it would be a dream come true.
- We should do a cover of a DC Talk song soon.
What is your favorite Creed song?
- “One Last Breath”
What are your top 3 wedding show memories?
- In 2019 we learned “Hallelujah” for a wedding client of ours. I invited Chenoa Alamu, a phenomenal violinist, to come play with us. (more on that story 32:00)
- Our first wedding up in Chicago, for a friend of mine, ended up with not only Fun DMC playing as the wedding band, but I also ended being the MC, DJ, and the officiant.
Who would win in a cage match between Katey and Dane?
What do you like to collect?
- I collect action figures and guitar pedals.
What’s your favorite original NES game?
- Mega Man 2
What’s your favorite guitar pedal?
- I have a fun prop – The Boss Metal Zone. It was the first pedal for a lot of guitar players. It sounds terrible for most people, but some people can make it sound glorious.
- My favorite is my Korg SDD 3000 – it nails the U2 sound.
Rocky or Rocky IV?
- Rocky IV is just more fun.
Are you ready to play out in public?
- I’m really excited. I’m so ready.
- Were actually practicing soon, and while I’m excited for the show, I’m also just excited to see my bandmates again, to make music, and just to rehearse.
What is your favorite board game?
- Scattergories.
- If you’re wanting a traditional board game with like a board and dice though, Monopoly. Monopoly has ended so many friendships.
What’s the first concert you bought tickets for?
- I went to a lot of Christian concerts as a kid, but my parents bought those tickets.
- My first concert I actually bought tickets for though was probably Third Day and after that Dave Mathews Band in St Louis.
What was Audrey’s first Fun DMC show?
- Audrey’s first birthday we actually had a show at Quaker Steak and Lube. They hired Fun DMC to play for a biker rally. (40:30 for more)
- The event happened to fall on my daughter’s birthday. We brought her (with proper ear protection) and she thought the whole event was for her.
- If you dig back through our archives you can actually find a video of us singing a lullaby for her.
How did you learn to rap?
- Hopefully, I do it justice. I come from a family of auctioneers. I’m a 3rd generation auctioneer. All of my sisters actually can also auctioneer.
- That percussive nature of speaking with rhythm. There’s roots to my rapping in auctioneering and vice versa. Rap was not on my radar at first, but it’s become about seeing my vocals as a drum kit.
- That and a lot of time in my car.
What’s your favorite Beatles’ album
- Abbey Road, especially Side 2.
What’s your favorite kid movie?
- My favorite movie as a kid was Secret of Nimh.
- But my favorite kid’s movie we watched recently is Onward. I guess it’s a kid’s movie, but it could really be for any age. I think it’s on Disney+ right now.
Who is your musical soulmate?
- As a guitar player, I’m going to say The Edge from U2. Not that I’m at his level, but man, that guy, he plays guitar that stirs me.
- John Mayer is a phenomenal lyricist, songwriter, and guitar player.
Favorite non-Fun DMC show?
- Like local band? – It’s hard to say. We never get to see other bands because we’re all playing at the same time. But I’m going to throw a few names out of shows that I seen or bands we’ve worked with a lot:
- I know I’m leaving a lot out but definitely jump onto our Facebook page and check out our We’ll Be Back video for all the local bands that contributed to a huge emotional project recently (more on that 46:45).
If you could have any guitar, what would it be?
- I like the idea of a surf green Stratocaster with an ebony fretboard that is probably reliced a little bit.
- (48:00 on all the guitar love)
Build your super meal.
- Best Appetizer – Chili’s (where my wife and I met) Southwest Eggrolls or Longhorn Firecracker Chicken Wraps.
- Best Entre – Popeye’s Chicken Sandwhich when it’s done right but Chick-fil-a chicken sandwich for consistency.
- Best Dessert – The chocolate cake ice cream thing t Red Robin.
What’s one song you wish Fun DMC could do even if it wouldn’t go over well?
- Probably the opening song off the U2 Joshua Tree album “Where the Streets Have No Name”.
- I got to perform that once for a special event and it is such a powerful song. I use that song a lot if I want to hear how a speaker system sounds because it’s a big cinematic song.
- I got to play it with a phenomenal group at an event we called Classic Album Covers where we took a night and covered the entire Joshua Tree album.
Is “Stairway” possible in Fun DMC’s future?
- We actually talked about a mashup with “Stairway” at one point, maybe with “Havana”.
- Fun DMC goes through phases. It’s a very unique band because our identity has changed quite a bit.
What is your favorite Metalica guitar solo?
Favorite comfort food?
- It’s been chips and gauc lately.
Would you rather fight one Jaw’s size raptor or 100 baby raptor sized sharks?
- I think I could handle 1 Jaw’s sized raptor.
Do you think Audrey will be in a band some day?
- I do. We are working on ukulele lessons with her right now and I absolutely do think she will be in a band some day.
Do you feel led to pick up that Les Paul and play a solo right now?
- I do but I don’t have any sound hooked up right now.
The Edge vs. Slash?
- Personal preference – The Edge
- Skill wise – Slash
- Both are phenomenal
55:30 – Robert call’s Katey’s mom by the wrong last name but then sings her “Happy Birthday”
How did you meet Katey?
- Katey was recommended to Fun DMC through Albert.
- I met up with her at Central Baptist Church so she could do an audition. We went through a bunch of songs acoustically just the two of us. She was dancing to all of the songs even just acoustically. After, I called up Aaron and was like, “Dude”.
What’s your favorite duet that you don’t sing in the show?
- “Picture” by Kid Rock and Cheryl Crow is a classic. I got to sing it once.
What song makes your cry every time?
What’s your favorite Crossfit workout?
Robert gave a beautiful send off. Check it out (58:00)
Be sure to check back this week for one LAST AMA with Robert’s daughter, the youngest member of Fun DMC, Audrey Reynolds.