Katey Kamerad
Posted by Fun DMC on January 26th 2016

Name: Katey Kamerad
Location: Springfield, IL
Band: Fun DMC
How do you prepare/warmup to sing for a whole show?
Leading up to any show, I make sure to get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and run through/listen to any material I need to review. I always try to sing through a couple things and do a couple vocal warmups throughout the day so my voice is prepped. I also try to get myself in the right mindset before getting started. I take a minute for myself to just mentally prepare and give myself a little pep talk. Even just finding a little peace and quiet to get in the right head space can make all the difference.
What is your drink of choice on a show night?
Water. I drink more water than you would probably imagine. Between trying to stay hydrated and the amount I move around/sweat during a show, I need all of the water. Sometimes, I’ll mix it up a little by sipping a Marker’s Mark or something similar if I’m feeling like it.
What’s your remedy when your voice is gone and the show is about to start?
The day of a show, if I wake up feeling under the weather, vocally, I usually take a really hot shower to loosen up my voice with the steam, try to rest as much as possible, drink some tea, stick with room temperature (or warm) water, and talk to my amazing band mates. We try to help each other out as much as possible so we don’t endure serious vocal strain. I try to be upfront and honest so they can cover my material if needed.
What singers inspire you?
There are so many that inspire me for so many reasons. I wish I could name just a few, but I really try to take a little something I appreciate from every artist, learn from it, and interpret what other singers are doing into my own performance.
What song has challenged you the most?
I feel like the songs that challenge me the most are the ones that shouldn’t and it is so frustrating. For instance, “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls totally trips me up if I’m not ready for it. I always want to sing the chorus first instead of the verse and struggle to get the words right. The other song that I stumble over (and for no good reason what-so-ever) is “Party Rock”. I literally sing one verse. That one verse infuriates me because it just doesn’t stick in my brain. Honestly, my most challenging song shifts every so often, those are just two that plague me regularly. However, nothing feels better than when I get them right though!