John Cota
Posted by Fun DMC on March 6th 2016

How did you get started?
Started taking guitar and keyboard lessons at age six, then drum lessons at age seven. This led to a life of being in bands and eventually running sound and lights for bands starting in early 90’s.
What’s your favorite show you’ve run sound for?
It’s hard to pick a favorite show as there have been so many good ones over the years. Probably one at the Grouch, as I have been fortunate enough to run sound and lights for so many great bands there over the past year. Hopefully the best show is yet to come!
What piece of advice would you give to a new band to make the night go easier?
Just be yourself and get lost in the groove. Then everybody else will follow. And a few few shots to calm the nerves never hurts if you’re into that lol.
What is your essential piece of gear?
Behringer X32 digital mixing console… designed by Midas. Amazing piece of gear, much more than I had expected. My QSC KW153 main speakers come in at a close second.
What’s your biggest challenge at every gig?
Making everybody happy… band, crowd, and venue owners. I enjoy the challenge. When it all comes together and everybody has a great audio/visual experience, it is incredibly satisfying.
What’s the biggest unexpected catastrophe you have successfully overcome during an event?
Blew two power amps at a street festival in downtown Springfield gig due to a ground fault in the power supply before the band started. A quick call to the Rock Shop and we had replacement amps within 30 minutes. The show went on as scheduled.
What song are you sick to death of hearing?
The song I heard the most in 2016 was Uptown Funk. But every band puts their own twist on it and the crowds love it, so I can’t complain.
What is your go-to song to crank for testing a system?
Stand Or Fall by The Fixx. It has a real deep bass riff that helps me set the subwoofer EQ correctly.