Tim Richter
Posted by Fun DMC on March 11th 2015

Name: Tim Richter
Location: Springfield, IL
Band: Big Daddy Jasper
What got you started playing bass?
Was a combination of listening to Blizzard of Oz, and getting pushed by Mark Hayes (from Deja Voodoo) and few others “to get a bass and jam with us”.. Later on I met Mike Williams (KFD fame) and he taught me songs, how to learn songs and we spent
a lot of time writing music.
What bass players inspire you?
Thats Really varied….
I love Stuart Zender’s work with Jamiroquai (check out Runaway, killer bassline).
Bob Daisley! (one of the most under-rated rock bassists)
Alex Katunich from Incubus (Are you in, really great pocket playing)
Scott Devine, from scott’s basslesson, his technical prowes is incredible
MarlowDK from Playbassnow, hist funky groves and riffs are always a treat to go through,
I could probably go on quite a bit on this one LOL…
What song has challenged you the most?
We don’t play it anymore, but I spent a long time on Master Blaster from Stevie Wonder.. Killer bass line in a style I hadn’t really played before..
What’s your favorite song to play in your current band’s set?
Changes every gig .. We haven’t played in quote a while, but surprisingly, 50 ways to leave your lover was always a blast to play. Holiday from Green Day is fun, We just picked up Grease is the word, which has a great bass line..
What’s the most overplayed song?
AH- See our setlist! Around here, it used to be Jesse’s girl, Think thats been replaced with Uptown Funk..
What’s the most memorable thing that happened to you at a gig?
So many to choose from.. I guess it would be back in the early 90’s, when I played with Mispent Youth.. I tripped over the monitor, and fell off Center stage and ended sprawled out on the floor..there was no covering that LOL ….
What’s your current rig?
Fender American Jazz Elite bass into a Ampeg SVT Pro 4 head with a Ampeg SVT 4-10 cab.