Steve Gragert
Posted by Fun DMC on March 12th 2015

Name: Steve Gragert
Location: Rochester, IL
Band: Lick Creek Country Band
What got you started playing bass?
Like a lot of “bass players”, I am a guitar player who converted to bass. My dad taught me how to play guitar when I was a kid and he had a country style of running country bass lines throughout those old country songs on the guitar. I think I just naturally had the early beginnings of a bass player in my soul. In the late “90’s” and early 2000’s, there was a shortage of bass players, so I bought a bass and a rig and two weeks later I was in a band called the “Dirty Ernies”.
What bass players inspire you?
Without hesitation, my all-time favorite is Glenn Hughes. Everyone knows Glenn primarily as one of the best “rock” vocalists of all-time (Deep Purple, Black Country Communion, …). I think I relate to Glenn as a bass player because I think he’s the most underrated bass player still gigging today. I think we have very similar styles, mainly because I copy off of him!
Locally, I’m enamored and admire every one of the great players in this area. There are far too many to name!
What song has challenged you the most?
I think there are songs that are tough to learn but not necessarily hard to play like “Sir Duke” or “I Wish” by Stevie wonder. Then, there are songs that aren’t that hard to learn but are tough to get through flawlessly show after show. One that comes to mind is “Who’s bed have your boots been under” by Shania Twain. It’s just very monotonous. “Don’t Start” by Lick Creek is no “walk in the park” and I wrote the bass line. The song is in the key of “E”, but I tune to “Drop D” to get a little more low end out of my E-string. I have to give some serious credit to Ryan King and Wesley Ingram for writing some killer guitar tracks on that song that I get to follow!
What’s your favorite song to play in your current band’s set?
My favorite song to play live is probably “Don’t Start” by Lick Creek, mainly because I feel like that bass line really represents my style and technique and I worked super hard on that line in the studio. My favorite song to cover now is “The South” by The Cadillac Three. I think I’ve actually seen Brandon Drew levitate while playing that song live!
What’s the most overplayed song?
Wow! I think I’ve played them all!
There are tons being played in this town right now! I think i fa musician is in a cover band that describes itself as “Pop, Rock & Country from 70’s to Present” they’re playing “over-played” songs. If it’s “uptown” and funky”, it’s over-played (wink wink).
What’s the most memorable thing that happened to you at a gig?
There’s been a bunch of memories made over the last 32 years or so of gigging. I think hearing Desmond Child (Google him) say “Lick Creek is a GREAT BAND” (not once but TWICE) on a national broadcast is certainly a very high point! This last year being in Lick Creek has been amazing and we have an even bigger year planned for 2018. Hopefully, that BIG memory is yet to be made!
What’s your current rig?
I play through a Ampeg SVT with a Ampeg 1×15 bottom cab and a Ampeg 2×10 top cab (primarily). I also use a Ampeg SCR-DI pedal and I play Fender basses exclusively (Jazz, P-bass, Jaguar…). So Ampeg, Fender or D’Adarrio, if you’re reading this, hook me up with a sponsorship!