Kylan Davis
Posted by Fun DMC on March 11th 2015

Name: Kylan Davis
Location: Springfield, IL
Band: Afterimage, The Maze
What got you started playing bass?
Growing up, my dad was always in bands so I was surrounded by music from day one. When I was 12, I stumbled upon his Rush R30 dvd. When I saw Geddy I immediately made up my mind of what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
What bass players inspire you?
Too many to count lol, a short list would be: Geddy Lee, Chris Squire, Steve Harris, John Entwistle, Gary Davis
What song has challenged you the most?
I can’t tell you how long I had to lock myself in my room to learn the whole side 1 of 2112
What’s your favorite song to play in your current band’s set?
Probably Alice Cooper- No More Mr. Nice Guy
What’s the most overplayed song?
Too many lol but I’d say either Crazy Train or Sweet Home Alabama
What’s the most memorable thing that happened to you at a gig?
One time I went to turn around, my foot caught on my cable and I smacked my head on the drum set. I didn’t miss a single note!
What’s your current rig?
Carvin Pro-Bass II head
GK 4×10 cab
Carvin 4×10 cab
Tech21 Sansamp DI driver pedal
Rickenbacker 4003
Fender “American Special” Jazz bass