Mashup Monday – Paralyze My Heart
Posted by Talon Holmes on May 18th 2020

This Mashup Monday is bringing you a recently released banger from oneboredjeu Mashup on YouTube. This mashup features “Break My Heart” by Dua Lipa and “Paralyzer” by Finger Eleven and I’ve got to tell you, it’s gonna make you want to go back to the 60/70’s.
I honestly don’t know too much about Dua Lipa (at least not by name) but her song “Break My Heart” has a really groovy modern disco feel to it, and that’s probably why it fits so well with “Paralyzer”. “Paralyzer” also had a disco feel to it as well, just a little more on the rock side while “Break My Heart” ventures a little more into the pop side of things. What’s pretty great is that you can hear that all genres of music can really go well together. A commenter pretty much said it best, I am going to go roller-skating now, see you at the rink!
If you got any more groovy jams to add to the skating playlist, or something you want us to check out for Mashup Monday, hit Fun DMC up on the socials! We would absolutely love to listen to them!