Bridezilla Stories
Posted by Fun DMC on June 23rd 2016

The wedding day is listed by medical professionals as one of the the top most stressful events in a woman’s life. There is so much planning and organization that goes into making the wedding day memorable that there is a whole sub-industry in the wedding vendor market that focuses just on this. This is why wedding binders, popular websites, and even wedding planners are so sought-after. When Fun DMC is booked as the wedding band, we make sure we work very closely with each bride to plan their day so that it is just like they’ve always pictured it.
That said, there are always extremes and sometimes couples become so overwhelmed with the planning and details of the wedding that any small disruption can throw the whole event into a tailspin. We’ve been lucky enough to not experience any of this along the way, but a recent AskReddit thread asked users “Wedding planners of Reddit, what did your worst bridezilla/groomzilla do?”. We’ve compiled some of the best stories here, but feel free to dig further to read more. We’re sharing this all in fun, but hopefully none of this sounds familiar!
…my cousin’s bride wouldn’t let him take a picture with me by himself because she was jealous.
I was eight years old, their flower girl, and also HIS COUSIN.
I had a mother in law zilla one time, who, after seeing and approving of the chairs that we provided, caused a scene of epic proportions after she decided that the chairs weren’t good enough anymore. The bride was sobbing by the end of it, being consoled by monster-in-law who simply kept telling her “it’ll be alright, even though everything is ruined by these GREEN chairs”.
She and I butted heads because she wanted a carpet running straight from the bottom of the stairs to the doors of the chapel. I told her it wasn’t possible (they didn’t line up). She kept on asking me if I was sure, even after I showed her exactly what I meant. She narrowed her eyes and told me she thought I had a problem with the truth.
The worst was when a bride was so upset that she couldn’t fit all of her bridesmaids on one shuttle back from the reception (they took two vans on a 10 minute trip back to the hotel and it only seats 12) that she tried to physically assault the driver.
He left her on the side of the road when she tried to bite him.
A bride once called having a melt down because her friend got engaged as well and was planning to get married in the same year as she was… Apparently it was her special year and not just a day. She threw a huge fit that this girl was only getting married to “steal her thunder”
I was the planner for a wedding and had been working with the bride and groom. A few months in to planning the grooms mom calls me to change the date of the wedding. I thought it was kind of weird and called the couple to confirm the change. NOPE! Couple did not know anything about the date change and said to completely ignore the grooms mom and call them if she tried to get in contact.
My sister fired her wedding planner and cancelled the rehearsal dinner. The photographer ended up stepping in and being the one to tell us when it was our turn to walk down the aisle, time to cut the cake, who should toast, etc because my sister was toasted and the rest of us were just clueless. He was also a top notch photographer despite all of the extra responsibility he took on in the wedding and my husband and I were considering buying some of the photos he took of our family, but he ended up taking all of my sister’s pictures off of his site because she was screen capping and sharing them with the watermark cropped out instead of buying them
Friend is a photographer. Does weddings. Got punched in the face by the groom because the groom decided that the photographer was “taking too many photos of the bride.”
Finally, this is some of the best advice that can be offered:
My #1 advice to people getting married is to enjoy their wedding day. No matter how much you plan ahead, things will always go wrong. Instead of trying to control and manage everything, spend your wedding day celebrating with your guests. No wedding ever goes perfectly. Considering you ideally only do it once, do your best to enjoy the ride.