The Boars Nest and Robert Reflects on Thanksgiving
Posted by Robert Reynolds on November 22nd 2016

The Boar’s Nest – Athens, IL
If you make your way past the Springfield capital airport, a little ways past Andrew Road, and take the Athens Blacktop, you will run into a little place known as The Boar’s Nest. Not only is it a fantastic venue for all things music, but as Fun DMC is quickly learning, it is also one of the best eateries in the area. Huge shout out to Darin and his staff for some of Central Illinois’ most delicious and enormous delicacies around including their now infamous Boar Burger, succulent thick crust pizza, and of course, The Clydesdale, a variation of Springfield’s original Horseshoe that’s essentially the size of a bag of potting soil. Having dined at The Boar’s Nest prior to shows in the past, the band, with the exception of Aaron Stanley, carefully and selectively managed their portions with several to-go boxes. Aaron on the other hand, dove headfirst into his Horseshoe and never looked back. He would later pay for this decision sometime between the second and third set.
As many of you know by now, Fun DMC is always looking for new ways to bring a unique element to their shows. Last Saturday night, the band officially introduced light up hula hoops and a Skip It to the dance floor. Nothing like adding in the element of danger to give our audience the best show possible.
Thanksgiving Reflection (Or Robert Gives The Band A Hug)
Following a pre-show dinner and business meeting, a high-energy live show, and a record-breaking tear down and load out, a very tired band paused for a moment inside an empty bar. The first hint of winter has now officially breathed its presence upon the plains. This is the week where most Americans will pause for a moment and consider what they are thankful for. I am thankful for this band.
I am thankful for Talon Holmes. Talon is among the best drummers I have ever had the pleasure to play with (and I’ve played with some of the best). More than that though, I am thankful for Talon not only for his incredible talent as a drummer but also for his friendship. Talon is one of the most loyal guys with a servant’s heart I know. Our many nights on the road in the Big Red Jeep always include discussions about Game Of Thrones, Metallica, CrossFit and if we’re ever going to finally take off the top of of his vehicle. If I can only find a way to stop telling scary stories on lonely highways I’m sure we’ll remain friends for years to come.
I am thankful for Albert Capati. I am amazed night after night that there are no heights his voice will not climb. No matter how tired I get, I can always look it over to Albert and get another burst of energy because I know he will be dancing. For anyone who knows the good doctor though, they can tell you that he is so much more than a great voice. He loves his community and is passionate about his beliefs. Whenever I talk to Albert, I can tell that he is actually listening and always has something thoughtful to say in response. That’s a unique quality in anyone. In the relatively short time that I have known him compared to the rest of the band, Albert has become a good friend of the family.
I am thankful Katey Kamerad. I don’t know how else to explain it other than she has one of the most unique personalities of anyone I have ever met. Katey is a fantastic performer and there is a quality and passion to her delivery that not only reflects her talent but her heart as well. A week ago I had the opportunity to perform as a duo with Katey at the Illinois Presbyterian Retirement Home and I was struck by her sincerity, her joy, and the love that she had for every person in that room. Whether it’s a crowd of hundreds at a wedding reception or 20 to 30 at a retirement home, I’ve never met a more genuine performer.
I am thankful for Aaron Stanley. Often referred to as my “band wife,” Aaron is the closest thing to a brother that I will ever have. Other than DC Talk and Mean Girls era, Lindsay Lohan, Aaron and I disagree on almost everything. And I suppose that is what makes us not only great business partners, but great friends as well. As creative as he is market and tech savvy, Aaron is literally the heart that pumps life into Fun DMC. If we hadn’t started a couple of bands together, we likely would have opened up a bar, founded a publishing company, or built a recording studio. And maybe we will.
I am thankful for Chad Kamerad. There are so many things about Chad I could say I don’t even know where to begin. The night he came to Katey’s first show I knew we were going to like this guy. Chad is probably one of the most unassumingly intelligent guys I have ever met. Don’t let his relaxed exterior fool you, there’s a lot going on inside the mind of Chad Kamerad. Armed with a dry sense of humor and spot on wit, he always brings a welcome sense of levity to any social issue or conversation. Recently, Chad has been taking on sound duties for several Fun DMC gigs. He never fails to go above and beyond, acting not only as a sound tech, but also as a photographer, hype man, client relations, and hydration specialist (he always shows up with water at just the right time). From what I understand, he’s taking the band shooting this week. Please pray for Chad.
I am thankful for Callie Stanley. Callie has been running tech for us since the Closing Time days. She puts up with a lot including late nights, sometimes hostile “sound guys” (who apparently all graduated from Full Sail and have the card to prove it), and Aaron and I sometimes being more joined at the hip that any wife would really be comfortable with. More than anyone else in this world, there is no one I trust more to ensure the band sounds the way we envisioned than when Callie is at the controls. But it would be a crime if I stopped at referring to her simply in terms of tech abilities. Callie is a close friend not only to myself, but to my wife Laura as well. Other than her mommy, there is no one that my daughter loves more than her Aunt Callie. Creative, kind, and occasionally quirky, Callie is a beautiful addition to this little family known as Fun DMC.
Happy Thanksgiving from our Fun DMC family to yours.