CYMB Consulting Agency’s Capati Dental Promo Video
Posted by Robert Reynolds on April 4th 2017

Well, it all started last Tuesday night with Albert and Katey recording vocals in a makeshift studio, otherwise known as the cedar closet full of Christmas decorations in my basement. The track in question was intended to be an audio cue for a major project in conjunction with Capati Dental and CYMB Consulting Agency. I don’t want to give too much away just yet but your band filmed a music video over the weekend. Much of our Saturday afternoon was spent on the top level of a Downtown Springfield parking garage, dancing, singing, and taking time to appreciate some of the finest graffiti our city has to offer. I would love to share with you some of the snippets of spray paint wisdom our eyes beheld but this is a family blog.
Rooftop filming wrapped (conveniently around the time two of Springfield’s finest arrived and told us we had to go) and the band gathered back at our place for an evening of dinner and games. While I don’t want to brag, I would like to mention that I haven’t lost my touch when it comes to the family secret buffalo sauce recipe. We closed out the night with all of us laughing ourselves into hysterics while playing the game, Watch Ya Mouth.
The next day I had planned to enjoy an easy going morning at church followed by lunch with my family before resuming filming at the Capati Dental location. In a surprise turn of event’s, my sister-in-law went into labor a week early and I spent most of my time following church getting my wife and daughter out the door and on the road to Chicago. UPDATE: I have a happy and healthy new nephew!
Upon arriving at Capati Dental we quickly set to work filming the remaining footage for the music video. By day two I think we were all becoming more accustomed to being on film and it was actually a lot of fun getting into character. The project wrapped and Dr. Capati generously treated us to dinner Smokey Bones. It had been a fun weekend spent with friends and parting ways in the parking lot was slightly bittersweet.
Following dinner I returned to an empty house and to the basement studio to finalize the audio mix for the song we recorded last Tuesday. Turns out, Wrestlemania 33 was on! I was soon joined by +TalonHomes who kept me up to date on WWE culture as I moved faders and played around with effects and EQ. I haven;t watched a wrestling pay-per-view event since Wrestlemania VII in 1991 and as Talon informed me of the backstory surrounding Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton, I made sure to regale him with tales of a bygone era that included Dusty Roads, Sweet Sapphire, and Koko B. Ware. Around the time the Brock Lesnar and Goldberg were wrapping up their four minute match, Fun DMC photographer and friend, Travis Lickey stopped by to join us for what remained of the ‘Mania card. I think the evening activities were mentioned on our band message board somewhere and before long, band mates, neighbors, and friends Chad and Katey Kamerad dropped in and before long, my house was once again full of friends and laughter. We spent the late evening hours and into the next morning watching the Undertaker‘s last match, going back and watching his first match, and surfing through the WWE Network’s vault in search of more kayfabe entertainment, including the now infamous Survivor Series 1990 unveiling of the Gobblety Gooker.
I like the sound of laughter in my house.
I missed the sound of my girls while they were away.
It turns out I hate being alone.
It has been nice having friends.