Why Alternates Are Essential
Posted by Katey Kamerad on February 23rd 2017

Over the years, I’ve been in a variety of roles/settings where I have been an “alternate.” I’ve been described as the understudy, alternate, back-up, substitute, assistant, fill-in, the other girl, that lady, her, and more. Every music related setting I’ve been in has had a system in place where there was someone who could step-up to the plate in the event that the “lead” (or regular group member, teacher, etc.) could not be there or if an extra set of hands was needed.
Within my music therapy business, we have multiple people who know the materials for our early childhood classes and who also teach lessons. In the event of illness or emergency, I feel a sense of comfort knowing that I can find someone who can fill my shoes without having to send a class of 10 families an email telling them I’m going to have to cancel for the evening. That means also avoiding the backlash that ensues because they’ve already paid for classes. I know that my business partner and our other teachers feel the same sense of comfort and also appreciate knowing that myself and other team members are there to substitute for them when needed.
In the theatre setting, I have been both an understudy and have had an understudy when I was in a leading role. I worked my tail off when I was an understudy so that if there ever came a day when I needed to step up as the leading lady, I could easily do so. When I was in the lead role, I took great comfort knowing that if I (for some ridiculous and unforeseen reason) could not fulfill my original casting that someone was there so the show could still go on without pause.
For a few years, I was a substitute with Fun DMC, originally filling in on female vocals but occasionally jumping in for the male parts as well when necessary. What is now Albert’s role proved far more challenging for me because of his incredible range and dance moves but was achievable with some serious work and effort (though my performance was not nearly as awesome). I also preferred filling in on a female vocal part because Fun DMC’s music and style really lends itself well to having both a female and male vocalist. In my opinion, having both parts has usually made for a much better balance and stage presence.
In any performance or service based profession, I believe it is best practice to have a back-up plan in place. You never know when:
- Your drummer will break their hand
- Your singer will lose their voice
- A dancer will injure their foot
- The class leader will come down with the stomach flu
- Someone may get in a car accident
- A family member will end up in the hospital
- Two events will accidentally end up on the calendar at the same time
- An amazing opportunity may come up at the same time as a non-refundable trip
- Your drummer may blow out their shoulder
- A family emergency may come up
- ……. you get the point
ALL of those situations have been a part of my reality and have required a backup plan of some sort to be ready.
Things happen. Every day. Without warning.
Having someone reliable who can jump in without a whole ton of warning, who also knows the material for whatever you may be working on (especially when you do unique mashups and medleys) is so important. As a band that performs for a lot of special events, private parties, and weddings, we never want to have to cancel a show. We want to provide the best possible performance to the people who are anticipating an awesome experience. We want to be there and to be our best.
Personally, I am so as grateful for all of my experience filling-in for others! I am also equally grateful for all of the people who have filled-in for me. Thank you, thank you!! Having the opportunity to be in that “alternate” role across so many settings has afforded me incredible performance experiences and taught me so much about myself. Being an the understudy has also given me the opportunity to learn amazing music that I otherwise wouldn’t know and to meet/work with so many fantastic people who have impacted my life in way I would have never imagined.
If having an opportunity similar to mine and occasionally performing with Fun DMC as an alternate is something that interests you, please check out our previous post: Sing with Fun DMC.